2010 in the books.
First Full Year in the South.
31 New Waterbodies.
6 New Species.
9 Personal Bests.
More days fishing than I should mention.
More time spent with family and friends on the water than ever before.
An amazing year. Before settling down in the valley, some gloomy and pessimistic insights passed on to me from friends and online anglers couldn’t have been more fun this past 365 to prove… RIGHT!!! Yeah, I say RIGHT!!!… “Ahhhh, you’re gonna have to work to catch your fish now.” “Ohhhh, you wait and see, it’s not what you’re used too, you’ll see…” The naysayers in the end were strangely as correct as the small handful who said, “Bunk, you’re gonna love the fishin’ here.”
There were great days this year that equaled great days from years past. Overall, the elements and southern conveniences probably make fishing easier, more available, and ultimately more productive than where and when I had once lived in the North. The only thing sometimes lacking is the greater outdoors, the bigger skies, solitude, some timely trips and the scenery I used to love.
More time on the water. More casts. More months a year to fish. More options. More friends to share time, insight and experience with. More miles. More toys for play. More and better fishing opportunities for my girls meant more time than ever with them through the summer. More new places. More LUND. More PB’s. More learning. More of my father. More improvement. More appreciation of the past, with even more appreciation of the present.
MORE “work” some said… well, I’ll gladly have more of it then. “Not what I’m used too,”… well, I’ll happily get used to it. Some really have no idea the kind of “more” it takes to fish in the north.
The day I popped the new boat in the water with my dad. A morning when I spotted the head of huge gar in the weeds then chased after the 5 foot wake monster through the shallows. The second trip onto Quinte ice when it all came together. Sharing a SteamWhistle and walleye fish. Busting through the deep snowy bush with buddies. Seeing a friend cradle my PB pike and later slipping my fingers under the gill plate of his. Hearing my buddy say… “I haven’t had an adrenaline rush like that in 10 years,” after fighting his first muskie. Filling all our bellies after a long day of fishing. Putting the paint on the WarCanoe then getting her wet. Being a part of the happiness only a week of great specks for everyone can bring. Freezing through a blizzard in Kesagami then taking the walk to safety. Zippin’ on the Bravo and enjoying a scotch with the lads at Bogie. Watching the girls light up with each and every fish….. Knowing that all these were only half the good times spent this year.
Ontario is one heckuva fishery. North, South, East or West, in any direction we’re blessed! Next year it will be great to share every corner of it with more friends. Some big plans are heating up…
Ten memorables from this year and just an ounce pics taken…
Past PB’s shattered… twice.
Like the pike, PB’s got trumped.
Gems shared with close friends.
A beginning… can’t wait for more.
Long hours well spent.
Found some greats.
Always fun, especially fall.
Thanks to others for sharing these cows.
A toothy favorite to stalk.
Picture perfect fish and a rare catch for me.
Trying old tricks in new places, putting many hours in and having others pass on some of their knowledge, 2010 felt like a real solid accomplishment. It was in the plans to fish a tonne this year and test the waters so that next year I can actually fish less.
I truly love a day outdoors on the water and setting a hook, and as always enjoy sharing it online, on the ice and in the boat.
Happy Holidays. Good luck to all y’all anglers in the 2011.