Leaving it all here!!! With plenty of pictures and decidedly a few less words than usual, this should recap 2013’s days on the water chasing after any and all goals and, the great fish that were caught. A multitude of species and angling styles to experience, opportunities for growth, new knowledge, fond memories and big rewards, are things which keep me passionate and always in pursuit of a healthy and driven fishing life.

Fishing can take us to great and interesting places.

2014’s a coming and so this chapter will close in preparing to fish on.


Plenty of days on ice hunting local lakers, along with a few different outings for pike, eyes and whiteys, kept the action through the winter season super steady. With trips to Costa Rica and Maniwaki Quebec too, friends and family alongside we were able to enjoy some serious vacation fun. 2014 the goal is to ice a best lake trout and relive some of the serious numbers walleye and big pike fishing I was once used to up north. With the snow we’ve been getting, the snowmobile should see some more miles too.



















Fished everything possible this past spring. Tried Lake O for lakers and popped a goody, jigged up a pile of ’em too on inland lakes. Early season crappies, opener walleyes, pike, then later bass kept things busy. First time ever taking a couple cracks at spring steel were successful and of course, plenty of miles and miles of toothy gar were my highlights of spring. 2014 I’d be happy just to do it all over again. No trips planned of yet, but trying to make different ideas come together.




























Squeezing all necessary work inbetween vacations has become the hectic summer ritual. Busy ER’s, two trips to Nipigon and one to Kesagami put me on tilt this past summer, yet it wouldn’t happen any other way. The preparation and efforts I have always shouldered for my family and friends has been a labour of love over the years, and despite the odd freeloader who takes advantage, most everyone has been helpful and thankful during those planned fishing vacations. Len and Leah’s trip alongside to Nipigon, later Bren’s trip with me to Kesagami, and finally an unforgettable pounding on Nipigon specks with good friend Mike, the right people made the right memories for 2013.























Couple of fall reports still kinda fresh online, it seemed a quick season ending with early snow. Friends often aboard the Lund, the company was great many times over. Set out early for muskie and had best results by a landslide. The Quinte walleye bite was fast and furious, and some exercise for steel capped things off nicely. Leah came out as well, fishing all four seasons with her dad; having my youngest interested is something I hope continues. Hopefully 2014 when looking again for those muskies I find ’em too.

















Proud of the fishing life created and work hard at it because I love doing it so much. And so, thanks for kindly sharing it along the way.

Alone, or with family & friends, this coming year we’ll all continue to enjoy our fishing.

Happy Holidays & Best to All in 2014.
